New York Times #1 Best Selling Book In Nutrition


The Obesity Code Book


Everything you believe about how to lose weight is wrong. Weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones (in everyone) and only by understanding the effects of blood sugar and blood sugar management can we achieve lasting weight loss.

In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr. Jason Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition.

In addition to his five basic steps, a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your blood sugar levels, Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of blood sugar imbalance and reach a healthy weight - for good!


68 Pounds Down In 5 Months, And I'm Still Losing!

The Obesity Code Testimonial From Jim

Dr. Jason Fung has truly changed my life with The Obesity Code book.

The content I learned is just astounding. I’ve struggled my entire life with my weight. At my heaviest, I was 353 pounds. 

I started by listening to The Obesity Code Audiobook.  After only 15 minutes in, I had to buy the book itself.  I started fasting every other day...and then eventually, fasting Monday-Friday and only eating on the weekends.

In 5 months, I’ve lost 68 pounds and the pounds continue to drop. My blood pressure is better, my glucose levels are great, and I just have so much more energy.

I NEVER thought I would find a plan that would help me, but finally, I have something that works.

Once I get down to my goal weight of 200 pounds, I won’t be doing an extreme Monday - Friday fast like I’ve been doing the past few months...I might just do a 24 hour fast every other day.

But rest assured, I will fast the rest of my life like you will read in The Obesity Code to control my weight and prevent the diseases that are so prevalent in my family history.

I thank Dr. Fung so much for writing this book...I hope to meet him one day.

Jim Miera

Take It From This Professional Dieter

The Obesity Code Testimonial From Lynda

I'm going to be 60 next year and all my life have struggled with being overweight. With age, more pounds are packed on and I'm getting round as I am tall. Starting to affect my health, i.e., high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc.

I've been a lifelong yo-yo dieter losing the same poundage over and over again and it always comes back with heavy friends. 

My doctor kept pushing me to eat 300 calories every 2/3 hours to up my metabolism. He believed in it and I felt like a failure with no weight loss.

Finally, he tells me to forget everything he's said about weight loss - that he was wrong. His entire staff (including the doctors) discovered The Obesity Code. He had lost 25 pounds himself. Just thinking about fasting made my stomach growl.

Fast forward to today, and I recommend everyone get their hands on The Obesity Code book.

Once you get past the first few days, the hunger pangs go away and your stomach starts to shrink. Most days I eat one meal, afternoon or evening. Seriously, you will not feel hungry and in the first week dropped 5 lbs of water weight. Lost 13 lbs so far and I can't believe how easy it has been.

Since this all based on spiking your blood sugar and resistance, I still have my 'goodies', but I just eat them with my main meal and I'm still losing weight.

I have already dropped a pants size.  I also hate labeling this a 'diet' - it is not. I just don't snack all day long any longer. This is the real deal folks. Not a fad or temporary fix - The Obesity Code works!

Lynda Thompson

I Lost 70 Pounds Without Exercise!

The Obesity Code Testimonial From Keith

If you are fat and can't lose weight The Obesity Code will tell you the exact reason why everyone gets fat. The short answer is blood sugar.

Thanks to The Obesity Code, I lost over 70 pounds on this diet without exercise. In fact the only reason I went for walks was out of boredom. I have no worry of gaining the weight back because this book tells you the secret as to why everyone gets fat.

Jenny Craig and weight watchers do not want you to know this!

In fact, after learning the secrets in The Obesity Code I got angry because I realized the whole food and weight loss industry is working against us, fat is actually the best thing you can eat, sugar the worst thing you can eat.

The world is upside down and Doctor Fung is trying to put it right again.

All other diets are a waste of your precious life I wish I could send this book back in time to my younger self.

What this book gives you is the knowledge of how your body actually works and how it responds to food.

The truth is that people in the 50's knew how to eat better than we do. Butter, eggs and bacon are good for you, you do not need three meals a day and breakfast is the worst meal of the day.  Get The Obesity Code book now.  Trust me.

Keith Armstrong

It's Like Reading A Murder Mystery That You're In!

The Obesity Code Testimonial From Sam

The Obesity Code is like reading a murder mystery, except you and your friends and family are in it!

As a public health administrator I was taken aback at the incredible number of misleading mistakes in the recommendations given to the public and by physicians and other health experts regarding obesity and its treatment. 

Basically, these errors have cost tens of thousands of people their lives, their health, their money and their happiness.

Dr. Fung has built a clear and overwhelming case regarding weight gain, how we got here, the political forces involved, and has created a clear headed framework for beginning to address these issues.

I just spent three days at the beach and the amount of obesity is overwhelming. 

Thanks to The Obesity Code, I have lost nearly 20 pounds in six weeks now using an approach. Dr. Fung encourages 24 hour and longer fasts, but you need to work yourself into it over a period of time.

I had initially learned to skip breakfast, ate in an 8 hour window from lunch to dinner, and now I am at one meal a day over 4 hours called OMAD.  I do Keto/low carb and this approach is working really well for me. Pretty simple. And I do cheat a little here, which is allowed.

The Obesity Code is a deep read. It is about your life. This incredible book is logically put together in an interesting way and in a good order. The research is pioneering from many sources and I am sure we will be learning more over time.

Sam Finch

It's Not A Fad Diet. It's An Education!

The Obesity Code Testimonial From Jayme

Simply put. The Obesity Code changed my life. I was not viewed as very "obese" by my friends but I knew I was overweight for many years. Was only getting worse. I was watching my health slowly slip away. AND I was Vegan! (still am). I used to make jokes about how "even vegans can be fat!"

But now thanks to The Obesity Code, I'm down over 50 pounds! Multiple other health issues I was having related to my weight gain have gone away (digestion issues, sleep apnea, etc). My partner even says I don't snore anymore at all!

It's almost a year later and I'm STILL losing some weight! I've been wearing all my old clothes with my belt cinched super tight because with all my other momentary weight loss I always regretted buying smaller clothes just to rebound again and not be able to fit in them. 

I don't feel like I'm "on a diet" with The Obesity Code.  I feel like I've just changed the way I live. I feel privileged to be armed with the knowledge of how my body works and how my blood sugar levels effect my weight gain and loss. I'm simply able to make better meal choices because I understand the impact of what I'm doing.

Dieting doesn't feel like voodoo anymore. I never count a single calorie and haven't counted a single calorie since I started reading The Obesity Code.  I have more energy to achieve my goals and I have more confidence to achieve them as well. I feel like if I could get my weight under control then I can do anything!

The Obesity Code not a fad diet. Its an education!!! It's working knowledge that will inform your decisions going forward for every meal you ever eat in the future.

The Obesity Code is also a history lesson and an honest look at where we are as a society and it really begs us to change. I'm so grateful for this book I could just keep writing. But I think you get the picture. Verified purchase. Life changed. End of story.

Jayme Moon

From 293 Down to 203 And Still Going!

The Obesity Code Testimonial From Holly

I started reading The Obesity Code last February at 293 pounds. I put into action the recommendations in March and have since lost 90 pounds (203 Baby!!!).

My energy is up, my clothes are too big ( I can honestly say I have never bought clothes and then have them not fit two months later because I shrank! ) and all I can say is... Thank you Dr Fung. You changed my life. My numbers are way down.

My back no longer hurts. Life is beautiful.

I would like to state that I am an impatient person and did do a few 7 day fasts. Other than 3 of those though all I have done is intermittent fasting and cut out most processed foods and now only drink water. I did not even start working out until 3 weeks ago. In six months I have made more progress than I have made in 6 years.

And the best part with The Obesity Code?  It's easy!

I am not going to stop because I have no desire to. Oh, I have my cheat days where I eat a whole bunch of sugar cookies for desert. But I still only eat once a day and the weight keeps falling off!!  I'm speechless.

If you are overweight, read The Obesity Code.

Heck if you just like to point your finger at our health system and state how idiotic it is READ THE OBESITY CODE!!!

I am not exaggerating. This book is not a gimmick. I loved this book so so so much.

Do not state that you cannot do it. You have not truly tried. 

Everyone can fast. Yes the first week may be hard but it doesn't last!

Don't let yourself get to the point I was at of being in constant chronic pain, brain fog and just plain tired all the time!!!

Take control of your life and show your friends and family that there is a way to lose weight and be happy. You don't need to be in pain, you can gain a better life.  You deserve to know The Obesity Code.

Holly Steiner


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